Friday, November 29, 2013

No Time

Eight days ago we left the house in the morning for a routine Dr visit. By noon hubby  had been admitted for some tests, and by that night we knew he was dying. Today he can barely turn himself over and in such pain it's inhuman. How did this happen so quickly? I hate this for him. I hate the pain and the knowledge that he's so done and that he wants it over.

There are events that happen tho that are reminders that there are uplifting events... tonight Larry was sick at his stomach and the nurse was in the room with him so we stepped out for a few minutes. Very faintly I heard singing. Silent Night from another room with another cancer patient dying on thanksgiving... touched me deep down.

There is no time for blogging.  Can't do it in hospital and time at home is either sleeping or quickly doing all the other things needed so I can go to hospital.